The National Pension Scheme (NPS) has two main types of accounts – Tier 1 account and Tier 2 account. These accounts vary in many ways based on their features. The difference between Tier 1 and…

The National Pension Scheme (NPS) has two main types of accounts – Tier 1 account and Tier 2 account. These accounts vary in many ways based on their features. The difference between Tier 1 and…
NATIONAL PENSION SYSTEM (NPS) was set in motion on 1st January 2004, with the purpose of providing retirement income to all the citizens. It is cost-efficient, compliant, convenient and hassle free. NPS strives to plant pension reforms and…
To make the most of NPS, firstly it is important to understand how it works. An NPS calculator will enable you to understand how much pension amount, and lump sum you will receive upon retirement…
Employees Provident Fund (EPF), Public Provident Fund (PPF), Voluntary Provident Fund (VPF), and National Pension Scheme (NPS) are very popular for retirement savings because of their numerous features like low risk and tax benefits. However, being…
NPS (National Pension Scheme) offers you to invest some amount of money and use the money after retirement. It gives you some tax benefits along the way. However, not all of us know whether these…
[toc] National Pension System or National Pension Scheme provides suitable income to every Indian citizen after retirement. If you are young and planning for retirement scheme, then opening an NPS account in India is the…
[toc] Retirement is something each adult is afraid to face. With the end to cash inflow, you are worried about your as well as your dependent’s survival. It is a good suggestion to be prepared…